Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Fay's Semiotics Theory Lesson

Anti Realism - They are two sides of a philosophical debate behind the whole basis of accepted scientific truth, for example : " The Three Little Pigs" - The Guardian

Realism - It shows the factual side, for example: "Dyson Hoover" - Dyson

Rihanna - Reb1 Fleur

The advert shows the two sides of people, as she's looking through the glass to her reflection. The perfume could change the type of person you are. The techniques used are hidden and overt messages.


Semiotics - The study of signs and symbols as elements of communicative behaviour e.g. gestures, colours or clothing. It is used to construct a possible meaning from a text e.g. artwork or music video.

The sign is made of up of the signified and signifier.
For example: THE WORD "STOP"
Signified meaning: To stop what your doing or pause
Signifier meaning: the word "STOP" or the symbol "STOP"

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